Flutter Road-Map Guideline 2023!
Flutter, the open-source mobile application development framework created by Google, has gained a lot of popularity in the past few years and this trend is only set to continue. In 2023, it is expected that Flutter will be even more famous among developers and companies looking to build cross-platform mobile applications.

One reason for Flutter’s increasing fame is its fast development cycle. With the use of hot reload, a feature that allows developers to see changes in the code immediately in the app, developers can make changes and iterate quickly, saving a lot of time during the development process. This is especially appealing for companies that need to get their product to market as quickly as possible.
Another reason for Flutter’s increasing fame is its flexibility. It allows developers to build custom interfaces and design elements, giving them more control over the look and feel of their app. This is important for companies that want to differentiate their product from the competition and create a unique user experience.

In addition to its fast development cycle and flexibility, Flutter also has a large and active community. This means that many resources are available for developers and a wide range of plugins to extend the framework’s capabilities. This is important for companies that want to ensure they have access to a wide range of expertise and support when developing their app.
Complete your Flutter journey in 4 Months.
First, Start with the

1) Dart Basics and Advance Dart
- Data types and variables
- Operators
- Control flow statement
- Function
- Classes
- Lists
- Map
- Async

2) Flutter Basics:
- Widgets
- Animations
- Navigation and Routing
- Working with Assets
- Version Control System
- Responsiveness

After learning Dart and Flutter Basics, Try to create a simple responsive UI (with basic animations) in which you learn how to use assets and multimedia in the app. Add navigation and routing to it.
Project Examples:
- Simple Login & Signup App with animated Splash and onboarding Screens
- Sound Play App in which you import different sounds and play them by clicking.
- Create an App UI

Now learn State management, Start with the provider
3) State Management:
- Provider
- Riverpod
- BloC
- GetX
- Redux
After learning State management, Try to create a simple responsive App in which you learn how to use state management.
Project Examples:
- Counter App.
- Weather App.
- Todo App.

4) Local Storage:
- Shared Preferences
- Hive
- SQfLite
After learning Local Storage, Try to create a simple responsive App in which you learn how to store simple data locally with state management.
Project Examples:
- Counter App.
- Todo App.
- Theme Switcher App.

5) Device Features:
- Camera Access
- Image Picker
- Location Access
- Internet Connectivity Check Permission
Learn to work with device features, and how to add app permissions in your Flutter app.
Project Examples:
- Picker App. (in which you add image, sound, and video access permission)
- Check Internet Connectivity

Now jump start with FLutter Firebase Complete.
6) Firebase:
- Authentication
- OTP verification
- CRUD operation
- Storage
- Firestore
- Push Notification
- Remote Config
- Firebase CLI
After Completing Flutter Firebase, Try to create a responsive App in which you learn how to use Firebase and state management together.
Project Examples:
- Chat App (Whatsapp clone)
- Facebook clone
- Notes App
- Todo App

7) Working with API’s:
Learn to integrate API in Flutter App. A user application can make GET, POST, PUT, or DELETE HTTP requests to a database. In return, the database sends us data, results, or responses in the form of JSON, HTML, or XML (with the JSON format being the most widely used). We then parse the JSON into a proper model class and use it in our app.
There are a few steps that we can follow to easily integrate an API into our Flutter app:
Step 1: Get the API URL and endpoints.
Step 2: Add relevant packages into the app (HTTP, Dio, Chopper, etc.).
Step 3: Create a constant file that stores URLs and endpoints.
Step 4: Create a model class to parse the JSON.
Step 5: Create a file that handles the API call, and write specific methods to fetch and parse data.
Step 6: Use the data in your app.
In this article, we will use an example to learn how to integrate an API into a Flutter app. We will use the JSONPlaceholder API, which provides fake APIs so that we can practice.
Project Examples:
- Login / Signup
- Restaurant App
- Wallpaper App
- Movie App

8) Google Map in Flutter:
To use Google Maps in your Flutter app, you need to configure an API project with the Google Maps Platform, following the Maps SDK for Android Using API key, Maps SDK for iOS’ Using API key, and Maps JavaScript API Using API key.
Project Examples:
- Uber Clone
- Google Map Clone

9) Architecture:
MVC: The Model-View-Controller (MVC) is an architectural pattern that separates an application into three main logical components: the model, the view, and the controller. Each of these components is built to handle specific development aspects of an application.

MVP: Model View Presenter. The model is an interface defining the data to be displayed or otherwise acted upon in the user interface. The view is a passive interface that displays data (the model) and routes user commands (events) to the presenter to act upon that data.

MVVM: Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) is a software architectural pattern that supports the separation of the UI (which is View) from the development of the business logic or the backend logic (Model).

10) Testing n Flutter:
It ensures that the application is of high quality. Testing requires careful planning and execution. It is also the most time-consuming phase of development. Dart language and Flutter framework provide extensive support for the automated testing of an application.
Testing your app on different devices of different sizes, on android and ios devices.

The complete guide “How to learn to Test your Flutter App” Link
11) Deployment:
The deployment process flow consists of 5 steps:
- Planning,
- development,
- testing,
- deploying, and
- monitoring.

Complete guide -> LINK
Design Principles:
Design patterns are a series of patterns that provides a template or description of how you can solve a common problem. On their own, they are not complete solutions to problems but instead offer an explanation or way to solve a general re-occurring problem in the world of software design.

For more information Visit -> Link
Flutter plugin for Google Analytics for Firebase, an app measurement solution that provides insight into app usage and user engagement on Android and iOS.

Complete Guide -> LINK
CI / CD in Flutter:
A CI/CD pipeline makes the automatic delivery of your software more frequent, reliable, and secure. It focuses on higher code quality, and that’s why it is vital for a mobile developer or team.

Database for Flutter:
For flutter app development, we have two types of databases, Relational (SQL) and Non-Relational (No SQL).
- Relational Database: Where the data have a relation between them. i.e. SQL & SQLite
- Non-relational Database: where data stored is in documents, and data has no relation between them. i.e. MongoDB, Amazon SimpleDB, etc.

The main purpose of the database is to manage regular content changes, feature updates, design updates, and daily data traffic. Due it’s important to select a suitable database as per your app’s requirements.
- Localization: By default, Flutter only provides US English localizations. To add support for other languages, an application must specify additional MaterialApp (or CupertinoApp ) properties and include a package called flutter_localizations.
- Ads: LINK

I hope this will help you to learn Flutter in 2023. I have created this only for you guys Please Like, Comment and share. Thank you!!
If I could miss anything you can add to this road map by commenting.