Flutter Tip::Enhance Rendering Efficiency with the LayoutBuilder Widget 🌟
If you seek precise control over your UI’s layout, consider incorporating the LayoutBuilder widget. This versatile tool empowers you to dynamically adjust your UI in response to parent constraints.
💡 Tip: Wrapping a widget with a LayoutBuilder allows you to tap into its constraints. This proves invaluable for scenarios like responsive design or crafting custom layouts.
builder: (BuildContext context, BoxConstraints constraints) {
if (constraints.maxWidth > 600) {
return DesktopLayout();
} else if (constraints.maxWidth > 300) {
return TabletLayout();
} else {
return MobileLayout();
In this example, we selectively render various layouts based on the available width. This technique is particularly potent for designing adaptive apps that seamlessly accommodate diverse screen sizes.
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