Liquid Swipe Animation Built With Flutter


A Flutter plugin to implement liquid Swipe effect to provide widgets

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👉Install Liquid_swipe package to YAML file.

👉Start with defining style sheet before materialApp like I did

👉Create a List of pages in which I have defined 3 pages with their Text and Images.

PAGE #1:

PAGE #2:

PAGE #3:

👉Now comes your MaterialApp in which I have created LiquidSwipe widget which comes from liquid_swipe package. It carries

  • List of pages
  • enableLoop which takes true
  • fullTransactionValue which is 400 by default you can adjust it according to you.
  • waveType has two values:
  • liquidReveal & circleReveal
  • positionSlideIcon which is 0.8 by default you can adjust it according to you.

I hope this article was helpful to you. Thank you for taking the time to read it. Your feedback and suggestions are always welcome.

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Flutter Queen✨
Flutter Queen✨

Written by Flutter Queen✨

Flutter Enthusiast | Software Engineer to be

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